Saeedeh ShamsaeeEmail: saeedeh.shamsaee[at]ustmb.ac.ir Degree: Assistant Professor
Qualifications |
BA: English Literature, 2001-2005 Kashan University, English Department, Kashan, Iran GPA: 17/60 (out of 20)
MA: TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), 2006-2008 Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Faculty of Basic Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages, Tehran, Iran GPA: 17/28 (out of 20) Thesis Title: Investigating the Construct Validity of the Speaking Module of the IELTS and TOEFL iBT Exams
PhD: TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), started in 2011, expected to be finished by 2014 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Department of English, Mashhad, Iran GPA: 17/54 (Up to now) (out of 20) Thesis Title: Formal and Functional L1 and L2 Interactions in Implicit and Explicit Learning of Written Formulaic Sequences: Evidence from Bilingual Learner Corpora |
Research Interests |
Honors and Awards |
Previous and Present Positions |
Professional Membership |
Teaching Experiences |
Publications |
Journal Papers: Conference Papers: Books:
Supervised Dissertations and Theses |
Research Projects |